
Hey y’all!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog.

I am just an ordinary girl trying to do what I can to make it through this life in one piece. After experiencing a deeply traumatic and life changing loss. I was encouraged by a close family friend and confident to start this blog. She thought It could help be an outlet for me and help in navigating this season of life I am in right now. At first this seemed pretty laughable. I truly don’t feel like I am very eloquent with my words, nor do I feel like I have much to offer anyone, I don’t have this life thing figured out, and I don’t know what I am doing 110% of the time. But if I can help just one person navigate through their grief and still come out on the other side some what whole (even if that one person is me) Than I guess it’s worth a shot. 

I am pretty much just me. I have struggles and I have flaws. I am not a perfect Mom and if I’m not a perfect mom I’m even farther from being a perfect wife. If I’m being honest,  I am just trying to make it out of bed in the morning and back into bed at night. Right now in this moment my life is all about SURVIVING. Surviving deep loss. Surviving traumatic images. Surviving PTSD. Surviving my toddler. Really just Surviving each day. 

I have been through some traumatic things in my short 24 years of life, some more traumatic than others. But they all still left their own scar on my life. I’ve had childhood trauma, I’ve lost a sibling to suicide and I’m been diagnosed with PTSD. I have a diagnosis of PCOS and suffer from infertility because of it. We all have our own “ baggage” and weight we carry around. This is just a glimpse into mine.

So if any of that sounds like you. If you feel like maybe you can relate in anyway. Great! I’m glad I’m not the only one. But please don’t think I have all the answers to life’s problems. Because I promise you I don’t. I m just like you and I’m sure if we sat down and had some coffee you would see that. 

A little background on me: 

first and fore most I love COFFEE. Seriously it’s a problem. But you want me to come somewhere, you better include coffee or chances are I wont be there. Sorry not sorry. 

I come from a family of 7 kids. I have 4 biological brothers and sisters and 2 adopted siblings. However, I don’t see my adopted siblings as being any different from my biological. They are apart of our family in every way. I was born and raised, till about a week shy of my 12th birthday, in good ole NorthEast Ohio. ( Can you say snow belt!!) My family moved to Central FL in December of 2006 when my Father took a new job. 

I am married to the most caring, patient, strong, selfless, hardworking, and supportive husband. We grew up together when I lived in ohio ( his family actually packed our moving van— I see what you did there God) We kept in contact on and off after I moved and what could have destroyed our friendship just seemed to strengthen it. We have been together for roughly 8 years, and will be married for 3 years in April. We have a beautiful Baby boy Corbin Michael. He is by far life’s greatest blessing. After being told I had a less than 10% chance of being able to have kids. I don’t take one day for granted when it comes to my little man. ( that does NOT mean I don’t get frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, and burnt out— Seriously I’m just like you and this Mom thing is HARD!!)

When Corbin was around 7 months old  our little family moved back up to Northeast Ohio….yay.. (can you sense my sarcasm?) Moving has truly been an adjustment. One I haven’t quite gotten use to yet—- seriously still trying to convince my husband to pack everything up and move our little family back down to Florida ( that’s totally reasonable isn’t it?) We’ve been back in ohio for a little over 1 year and I still hate everyday of it. Ok maybe not everyday… but seriously most days. 

That pretty much sums me up. If you made it this far, and aren’t my Mother, Congrats! 

I cant say I know what direction this blog is going, or what it will contain. It probably wont be your typical blog. Truthfully this is me being super vulnerable and way outside my comfort zone. But I’m here, Im writing, and I’m just going to be me. I saw a quote that I think really sums up what I’m trying to do with this blog “ I want to be one of the people God Can use to help others move forward in their grief”


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